Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sailing through September

How is it already September 22nd?!?! This month sure has flown by and thankfully, the weather has cooled off some too. It was 92 today but has been in the mid-upper 80s, so that has been nice. It's so hard to decorate for fall when it is still hot outside but I have started decorating some today. I just LOVE to decorate with the seasons and fall is my favorite season! If Brendan had his way, we would bypass everything and just celebrate Christmas. We were in Ellis Pottery (a craft, home decor store) today and he said "Momma, it should just be Christmas time, let's decorate for Christmas!" He wanted to get the Christmas decorations instead of Halloween decorations. He is truly OBSESSED with Santa and baby Jesus. Brendan dresses up as Santa everyday and rides his toy horse which he refers to as "Rudolph". "The Wiggles Christmas" has become a staple in our home as of late. He also asks tons of questions about baby Jesus, Joseph, Mary, and the manger. I'm so excited for the holidays this year!!
Rob has started slowing down a little so he has been home more which has been great! Brendan just finished his 4th week of pre-school and he loves it! He gets excited when it is a pre-school day and I am so thankful for that! Enjoy the pictures below and happy (almost) fall!!

Daddy's game watching buddy. Goooooo Huskers!!!

Shaving the night before pre-school :)

Lining up his "fire ducks." Daddy duck, Momma duck, and Brendan duck

Movie night!!!

Brendan's newest demand...must have book to read while going potty! ;)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pre-School, here he comes!!!

Brendan has started pre-school! There was a meet and greet on Tuesday and then his first day was Thursday. After looking high and low, Rob and I decided on St. Paul's Day School. Although I was very overwhlemed after the meeting on Tuesday, it was much better Thursday and I think it will be a great fit! Most importantly, Brendan was so excited and had a great time! On Thursday, I brought him to his classroom, took a few pictures, and then Brendan looked at me, gave me a hug and said "ok now, bye bye Momma, I love you." I hadn't intended to leave that fast but he was ready to start this new adventure, (without Momma) so I (reluctantly) headed back to my car. You could tell who all of the new Moms were. They were the ones walking quickly out of the building before anyone would see their tears! It was quite comforting to know that I wasn't the only one who was having such a hard time with this whole pre-school thing! Although Tuesday was very overwhelming, Thursday was much better and I was even able to meet a few of the other Moms who had children in Brendan's class.

Going to pre-school is the first real "big boy" step that Brendan has taken. He's no longer my little toddler and im no longer his only care giver. He did Mom's Day Out some before pre-school but having him go to pre-school is so much tougher!! I guess because this is the beginning of him needing less and less of me and it's VERY bittersweet! This is also the beginning of his education. Some may think its "just pre-school" but to me, pre-school is a big deal! This is his first real school and its the first of many years of school and then college, if that is the path he chooses. I really am so excited for him to start this new journey and I know this will be a wonderful thing! Brendan was happy to see me after pre-school and said he had a great time. We celebrated with a lunch date and then cupcakes! Daddy was at work but when he got home in the evening, he wanted to take Brendan to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate his special day!! Of course I took several pictures, so enjoy!!!

Meet and greet day! He was saying "Hooray for pre-school!"

Reading The Night Before Pre-School

Today is the big day!!! He is in the owl class, so he had to wear his owl shirt on the first day!!

I love this picture!!

Brendan with his new school bag! They had to have totes insted of back packs and of course he had to have a firetruck on it!!

Hard to read it but it says First Day of Pre-School 3 and then the school, teacher, and date.

He was getting tired of pictures until the Santa hat came into play. ;) He was saying "Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas!"

tried the sign on colored paper.

Mommy and Brendan

On our way to Pre-School!!

Doesn't he look nervous?!?!?!

His name and bag hanger are beneath a fire alarm....PERFECT!

Waiting in teh pick-up line!!


Mr. Cool had a GREAT first day!

Celebrating at Chuck E. Cheese!

Daddy asked Brendan if he had a good day and he said yes, then gave Daddy a high 5!

This is the beginning to a very exciting year!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Birthday Time!!!

Brendan is now a 3 year old!!!! Is it just me or does 3 sound so much older than 2? The theme of Brendan's 3rd Brthday pary was.....FIRETRUCKS! Big shocker! ;) The weather was blazing hot (perfect for a fire party, haha) but a great time was had by all, especially Brendan! The fire dept. even showed up but could only stay briefly. We had his party on the 6th and then had a small family get together at Chuck E Cheese on the 9th for his "real Birthday."
Enjoy the pictures!!

door sign

banner I made

one of the tables
presents!! Brendan and one of his sweet friends, Landon

candy buffet!

"I am 3!!"

party favors I made.

at Chuck E. Cheese!

so excited about his fun day!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What have we been up to?!?!

It's been several weeks since I posted last! It has definitly been a busy Summer for us and it looks to stay that way until September...well, then then Pre-school starts! PRE-SCHOOL!!! I can't believe Brendan will be starting pre-school! I really am so excited about it and so excited for him but it is also very bittersweet! I was visiting a friend today who had a baby and of all the rooms in L&D at the hospital, she was in the same room that I was in when I had Brendan. Being back there sure did bring back memories and instead of having a newborn with me, I have an almost 3 year old with me! Anyways, back to the origional post...what have we been upto?!?! Brendan is going to be a ring bearer in his Aunt Kelly's wedding next week so last month we went to the tux shop to get Rob and Brendan fitted. Who knew getting fitted for a tux would be so much fun!

Brendan looking in the mirror and dancing! Of course he has his boots on! ;)

He called the tux jacket a "fireman jacket". The guy taking measurements told him to stand like a soldier, so thats what he is doing! :)

Trying on "shiny shoes" was by far his favorite part so he had to walk around the store to make sure they fit just right!! He is so exited to fly to Nebraska and get the tux and shiny shoes that are "just Brendan's size!"

For the 4th of July,we headed to Mimi and Papa's house and grilled out. Our power went out early afternoon, so we heded over there early since it was getting soooo hot in our house! Thankfully, power was back on hen we got home that night!

FUN IN THE SUN!!! I took Brendan and my nephew, Michael to the waterpark, Splash Kingdom. So much fun!!

Brendan is having a fire truck theme Birthday party this year, so we stopped by the firestation so he could visit Daddy and to take Birthdy pictres. I thought this was too sweet, holding hands, looking at the fire trucks! Rob and mini Rob!

Last week, we had Vacation Bible School at our church. Although Brendan was too young to be in VBS, I was able to take him out of the nursey at the end of the day so he could sit with my big kids and sing songs and dance with them. He loved it and I did too! Such a fun week!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Brendan's First Movie

Rob got off this morning and is off all weekend!!!! YEAHHHH!!! Last night, Brendan saw a preview for the Cars 2 movie and wanted to see it, so today Rob and I took him to his first movie! Surprisingly, he did really well. He watches a few cartoons at home but never stays sitting in front of the tv for more than 10 minutes or so, so we were surprised that he did so well at the movie. An hour into it, he fell asleep. A dark room and a belly full of popcorn will do that to ya! We saw a preview for the Pooh movie and are excited to take Brendan to see that!

Headed to his first movie!!

The 3 of us!

We had some time to kill before the movie so we went to the Sunglasses store and Brendan had to try on the "blue glasses"

Brendan had to hold the popcorn!

Almost movie time!!

Headed home, still half asleep...with his new blue shades, haha!