It may be January 9th and im finally uploading this but with 2 kids home almost 24/7 this was my first chance to finish! Better late than never! ;)
Since I haven't posted in such a long time, I thought I would just post the highlights in one blog instead of trying to catch up on everything and what better day to review the year than New Year's Eve while im waiting for the ball to drop! I really enjoy looking at past posts and now, family can stay up to date too!
It's been quite a year for the Bernth family. This year brought challenges, triumphs, love, lots of laughter and has definitely made our faith stronger as well as our family! We are looking forward to 2014 and all that it will bring! May you all have a healthy and happy 2014!
January-Jack's surgery. It was the worst part of our year but as my Mom pointed out, also one of the best. The worst because it was so awful seeing our 4 month old baby go through something so scary and to be in pain. The best because he had a major problem but it was (somewhat) easily fixed and he did so amazingly well. Also, because this journey has strengthened our faith and it's made us realize we have the best family and friends EVER!!!!
Feb.-Brendan starts karate!!! He looks so cute...I mean cool in his uniform!!Jack gets fitted for his helmet and after the first few days it really isn't so bad.
March-Brendan starts his first year of t-ball!! Rob also gets the opportunity to start a new business venture and open a wrestling club team. The building opens up right across from where we live and he can partner with a guy he used to coach! It is unfortunate but wrestling in the south isn't nearly as popular as it is in the mid-west but hopefully one day it will be! Opening night he had more guys than he had hoped for! God definitely has opened new doors and it's pretty amazing!
June-Rob and I celebrate 9 years of marriage!!!
July-swimming, fireworks, and trying to stay cool!!
August-Brendan turns 5!!!!! Hard to believe we have a 5 year old already!! Brendan is such a smart boy! He loves to read, use his imagination, draw, trains, anything Disney, and wrestling! We also fly to Nebraska to see Rob's friend and his beautiful fiancé get married!! Brendan is a pro with traveling but it was Jack's first plane trip! Plane was overbooked on the way there so they bumped us to first class which was sooo nice with a baby!! Huge seats and so much more room!!
Sept. Jack turns 1!!!! This first year flew by! I think the surgery and all that entailed made the year go even faster as we were preoccupied with that for several months. Jack is a wild man and NEVER stops unless he is sleeping. He also has no fear at all. Unlike Brendan, Jack already tries anything once and "jumps in with both feet". Jack brings so much laughter to our family because of all the silly things he attempts to do. I tell Rob all the time that God was preparing us when Jack had his surgery because I have no doubt we will be back to the hospital several times with wild Jack injuries. Brendan also starts his last year of pre-school at out church. He LOVES his new teacher and class!
Sept. 25th we left for an 8 day trip to Walt Disney World! It was the boys' Birthday present and celebrating that Jack is done with cranio stuff and helmet! Mimi and Papa came with us and it was a blast!! Several pics are posted below. We are already ready to go back!!
Oct.-Nov. October was Halloween fun, November we hosted Thanksgiving, Elfie made his annual appearance and I turned 30 and Rob 33! Dec.-Christmas fun!!!
I uploaded wayyyyy too many pictures and half of them are sideways because I cant figure out how to flip them once loaded but.... I hope you enjoy! :) Happy 2014!!
surgery day. Such a scary day and time but our little boy is now happy and healthy! |
first time holding Jack after surgery. |
Chef Brendan |
He LOVES the sandbox!!! |
Captain Hook |
:) |
silly Brendan! |
first year of t-ball!! |
silly boys...and Momma |
Happy 4th of July!! |
blueberry picking!! |
9th Anniversary!! |
So stinkin cute!!!!!!!! |
For Brendan's birthday, we surprised him with a trip to Disney World. He had to go on a scavenger hunt to find clues and here he is opening the bag with the first clue. |
the last clue was an envelope full of these pictures and he had to put them all together and think about what it could mean |
He realized we are GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!! |
Birthday garland |
Disney countdown!! Each day had something Disney related. Something simple such as hop around the house like Tigger to Disney themed movie nights, make autograph book, write a letter to fave character etc. |
Brendan wanted to take me on a fancy date so we got all dressed up and went to dinner and putt-putt! Special evening with a special boy! |
Jack's Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday banner. A pic from each month of his first year. |
FIRST BIRTHDAY BOY! Not too thrilled about his hat. |
This Birthday boy devoured his cake. His whole body was covered! Big brother was so neat with his first bday cake but Jack is the opposite! |
Ready to go to Disney!!! 4 am! |
amazing statues!! |
Brendan received a phone call from Mickey telling him Happy Birthday!! I'd say he was just a little thrilled! |
Waiting for parade to start! For anyone who goes to Disney, I HIGHLY recommend renting a stroller from Kingdom Strollers. This was a City Trend stroller and worked wonderfully for Brendan and Jack. Clean, roomy, comfortably fit 2 kids, and easy to handle! Google kingdom strollers! Also, super convenient. Stroller was waiting at our resort and when we checked out we just left it at front desk and company picked it up! |
.JPG) |
Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party! |
Donald and Pluto! |
Not letting rain stop our fun!! |
Kisses from the princesses at breakfast! Brendan was over the moon! |
Jack loved the parades! |
Brendan got a pirate makeover! |
Pirate Cruise!! I highlky recommend doing this too!! So much fun!! You meet Hook and Smee, eat yummy food, then get on your boat and sail to MK to watch Magic Kingdom fireworks. Pirate Captain was so entertaining too! |
Beauty and the Beast play!!! |
The whole restaurant at Chef Mickey's sang Happy Birthday to Brendan! |
My prince!! :) |
Halloween!! Brendan making a witch's brew (baking soda, food coloring, and vinegar). |
trick-or-treat time! |
oh my!!! |
visiting Daddy at the station! Wasting time till iut was time to pick up brother from school. |
Date day with Momma |
First time having night away from both boys! Boys were having fun at Mimi and Papa's house! |
wrestling with daddy! |
I LOVE this picture of the boys with Santa! |
Disney on Ice! |
Halloween party at Brendan's school. |
Putting star on tree! |
Elfie brought another North Pole breakfast!!! |
Happy Birthday Jesus party at Brendan's school. |
Christmas crafts! |
going caroling with our church. Brendan LOVED it! This was out first year caroling and it was so much fun. It really meant a lot to the people we sang to. One lady even started crying and kept thanking us. :) |
helping Daddy install the new dishwasher. |
Momma/Brendan New Years Eve party! We BOTH stayed up till 12!! |