I just can't get over how fast he is growing up! Just a few days ago I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he said "Momma, no kisses right now, please!" He is definitely all boy and his daddy is definitely his best friend...and I think visa verse. His face lights up when daddy comes home and they literally play outside for hours togther...pirate ship, fireman, baseball, and who knows what else those 2 play together!!! A few weeks ago Rob had to go to his storage unit to fix a piece of equiptment so we all went and Brendan had to bring his "tool" since Daddy had his tool box of tools. He was so proud that he helped his Daddy "fix the machine!"
We were and still are debating putting Brendan in t-ball this summer or waiting until next summer. We wanted to do Bossier Parks but they have to be 4 but there is another league he can do so we shall see. If he doesn't do t-ball, we will either get him involved with a tumbling class offered at our gym or soccer. He will take swimming lessons this summer and I am sooooo looking forward to taking him to the pool again! It was so much fun last year! He still LOVES to read and has the greatest imagination. I love that he loves to learn and seems to catch on fairly quickly. I sure hope that continues!!
One of our good friends just had a baby and they came over to visit so it was so much fun to hold a new baby again and Brendan loves to play with his friend, Kenzie!
Enjoy the pictures!!!
Valentine gifts for his class.
Looking at his Valentine goodies from Momma and Daddy
Valentines day party at school
Silly boy
Valentine for Grandparents
Using his "tools" to help Daddy.
Hard at work!!
They watched a Fireman Sam show and one of the firemen had a mustache so of course it was extremly important that they both had a mustache too.
Greatest parade ever!!! Highland Parade!!
All the beads from the parade!!!
Santa float!!!!!!
Playing at the park!!
Captain Hook and his sword!
Mardi Gras party at school.
Notice the arm placement! Such sweet friends!
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