Seven years ago at this time, I was at my wedding reception celebrating with friends and family...ROB AND I WERE MARRIED! My wedding was so special and sooo much fun! I will forever be thankful to my parents for making my wedding day a fairy tale! As my sister stated in her speech, "Elena has married her prince!" Sometimes it seems like our wedding was only a year ago; time sure does fly and the older I get, the faster time seems to go! Although our lives are completely different now compared to how they were 7 years ago, I love Rob just as much as I did then...well actually even more than I did then...even when he complains if I spend too much money, or when he leaves his nasty work clothes all over the floor, and when he refuses to watch The Duggars with me! :) Rob is such a caring, loving, hilarious, driven, hard working man, and the most amazing, hands on Daddy to Brendan! Even when he has been in the heat all day mowing and only got a few hours of sleep the night before, he is more than happy to play with Brendan as soon as he gets home and is eager to hear all about our day! What a journey these past 7 years have been! Lots of happy times, some sad times, and everything in between! I am so thankful for the husband that God has blessed me with and that I get to share this life with!
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