Thursday, January 20, 2011

19/365 Brendan Goes To School

Of course we read books, talk about colors/shapes that we see during the day, but something new I have started with Brendan is we have "school time" each day for probably 30 min. or so. Of course the pros far outweigh the cons when it comes me being a SAHM, but one drawback of Brendan not being in daycare is that he doesn't get the early education that his friends in daycare get. When I did observations for college, I LOVED the younger children and now, getting to teach my own child is turning out to be sooooo much fun!!! This week we are learning numbers, shapes, and some letters. He can count to 12, knows circle, square, triangle, and maybe more but that is what we worked on yesterday. He also knows the letters A, B, D, and M and the sounds that they make (A is for apple, B is for Brendan, D is for Daddy, M is for Mama). We make up songs so he can remember the letters (A is for apple, ah, ah, ah etc.). The more fun you make it for the child, the quicker they (usually) learn it! I've said this before but this really is my favorite age s far! Brendan's brain is developing so quickly and he is retaining so much new information and it is so exciting to watch him learn new things!

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