Monday, January 31, 2011

31/365 My 1st exam

I had my 1st exam today for my history class. I think I did pretty well on the test but since there were a few fill in the blank questions, the teacher will have to grade it herself so I won't find out my final score until tomorrow. One of the many good things about online classes is that usually you find out your score right away, if it's a multiple choice test. Another good thing about online classes is that I get to have my husband help me, who is a history genius! I took all of the classes I enjoy early on and now I only have the boring classes to take (history and art history) but I have to take them in order to get my degree, so I need to suck it up and just do it!! After this semester I will have 5 more classes left and I will be done, at least for awhile!!! Talking about this time next week we will know if Brendan got into the preschool that we really want! Saying prayers and keeping our fingers crossed!!!

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